Before & After Slider
The Before & After Slider is a powerful module that comes with the Divi Pixel plugin. It’s great for showcasing work in progress or overall results. Whether you’re a graphic designer who wants to show off your editing skills, or you’re a photographer or makeup artist, you simply add two images to make this work. Users will be able to move a slider to easily compare the before and after images.

Content → Images
In this section you can add the two images: Before Image and After Image. You can also set Alt text for SEO.
Content → Labels
Here you can define and edit the text for the Before and After labels.
Design Settings
The design settings let you customize all the module elements to match your website’s brand and style.
Slider – Customize slider direction (horizontal/vertical), initial position, and colors
Labels – customize label backgrounds, fonts, colors, and style
Overlay – Enable image overlays and define colors.