Fancy Text
The Fancy Text module allows you creating animated headings by using texts that change with a nice animation. You can take any text and rotate it with different phrases so you can create attractive headings for your Divi site. The module allows adding as many texts as you want and style them independently. You can also select animations IN and OUT for how the texts come in and how they go out.

In the Content tab, we can add child modules with each text phrase we want to display within the module.
Content → Text
The Fancy Text module allows adding a prefix and suffix text in addition to our animated texts. You can also select if those texts will be displayed horizontally or vertically.
Content → Animation
In this tab, you can select what animation you want to use. You can apply different settings for Animation In and Out and also define Delay and Animation Duration.
Design → Text
Here you can customize each child module text independently. You can change text font, color, size, letter spacing, add text-shadow and more!